You wouldnā€™t check your P&L once and consider the matter closed. Same goes for DEI communications.

DEI Communications is simply how communications will be done moving forward. DEI Communication skills are sought after in hiring and promotions. Communicators who have the DEI Lens stand out, get noticed and get results for their organizations.

For now, some see it as a box to check off. At very least, fill the box in. Donā€™t waste your time, money, and breath on performative efforts. Do something that works.

Our 90-minute workshops have proven a healthy, digestible resource for clients to get the DEI communications ball rolling. We are only interested in helping you meet your goals and driving impact. A workshop is just the beginning to the work.

Schedule a Strategy Session

Communicate Like You Give a Damn.

Team Workshops

  • Unconscious to Conscious Communication
  • Microaggressions
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Performative Allyship vs. Meaningful Communications
  • Cultural Appropriation
  • Psychological Safety and Sensitive Topics
  • Team Belonging Design
  • ERG Partnership

DEI Consulting

  • DEI Communications Assessment & Strategy
  • Custom Inclusive Language Guide
  • Social Change Communication Guidelines
  • DEI in Communication Processes
  • DEI Lens Content and Communication Audit



Content Reviews and Assessments

We say we "stand".
Let's make sure we can "withstand."

Leveling Up Organization Positioning and Reputation Building

Organizational Level

  • Implementing The DEPTH Model
  • Custom inclusive communications guide
  • Executive training, discussion, strategic dialogue facilitation, keynote company conferences, company wide meetings, and Town Hall sessions
  • Diversity Commitment Statements & Diversity Report
  • ESG Report content and visual reviews and revisions, cultural moment content reviews (Pride, etc.)

Developing Team Skills

Team Level

  • DEI LENS skill building sessions
  • License online and on-demand DEI communication courses
  • Embedding DEI into communication processes
  • Content review and revisions
  • Stakeholder partnerships
  • DEI fatigue and hesitancy
  • DEI communications interim, contract, monthly retainer, and ongoing support
  • Speed dial a specialist

Developing your skills

Individual Level

  • Online and on-demand courses
  • Coaching
  • Conscious Communicator Book Club
  • Ongoing support.

Client Perks

Monthly Ask Me Anything session with fellow DEI communicators

Signed copy of The Conscious Communicator 

Color graphics from The Conscious Communicator 

Communicate Like You Give a Damn podcast

Quarterly DEI Communications Special Topics webinar. Example topics include:

Generative AI workshop, partnering with marketing, tailoring commitment statements, dealing with hesitant leadership, unifying employee division, navigating political polarization, and preparing for cultural moments.